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Busy times ahead for Aus Post

CHRISTMAS is usually the busiest time of the year at Hamilton’s Post Office, but this year’s figures tell a different story.

According to an Australian Post spokesperson, there has been a 45 per cent year-on-year increase in parcel deliveries to Hamilton and the surrounding areas for the 12 months to August this year.

It was an increase that Hamilton Post Office manager, Annette Edwards said was “huge” for the area. 

“We are still seeing lots of parcels coming through and we are just as busy as the first lockdown,” she said. 

Ms Edwards said for a short period between lockdowns there was a slight reprieve, but things picked back up in August as metropolitan Melbourne headed into stage four restrictions. 

“We did nearly go back to normal when Victoria came out of lockdown in June and when we went back into restrictions it just went back to being really busy for us,” she said.

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