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The precious gift of time

WHEN four-year-old Baylee Francis-Evans became unwell last weekend, slurring her words and then having trouble walking,  a phone call between her mum, Shona and Aunty Kylie in Tasmania, raised the possibility that a stroke was responsible for her troubles.

Less than 48 hours later, the diagnosis was much more terrifying and now the entire community is being called on to buy Baylee and her family a precious and priceless gift:  Time.

Baylee’s specialists at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital have diagnosed Diffuse Midline Glioma – an inoperable brain tumour which occurs in children and which, tragically, has no cure.

Speaking to The Spectator yesterday, family friend Megan Charlesworth said in their first meeting after diagnosis, Baylee’s doctors advised her family that time was all they could give and even that was an uncertainty.

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