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Homelessness a very real issue in south-west Victoria

HAMILTON’S lack of services for homeless people has complicated an already punishing issue for many homeless people in south-west Victoria, including Graeme Robertson.

Mr Robertson been sleeping in his car since he moved out of a rental property 12 months ago and said local people did not realise the severity of the situation.

“There are limited services over here, very limited services apart from Salvos Connect, Vincent St Paul’s.”

“They can only just pay for a small amount of accommodation and after that you have got to pay the rest of your own.

“You have to try to live on $777 a fortnight through Centrelink, and (motels) are charging $300 a week over here, $600 out of your fortnight only leaves you $177.

“I just feel as though in this position, how are you supposed to get out of it? What are you supposed to do? Who are you supposed to talk to?” he said.

Although services such as Hamilton’s Salvo’s Connect, St Vincent de Paul, and Brophy Youth and Family Services (Warrnambool and Portland), offer help to those living rough, Mr Robertson said there was no shelters in the region.

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