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Christmas cheer shines bright at WDHS

FOR most, Christmas is a day enjoyed at home or at the beach – but for those in hospital, the merry end of the year is not so merry.

This year, Western District Health Service (WDHS) switchboard manager, Jonathan Thomas, took it upon himself to bring Hamilton patients Christmas cheer.

On Christmas Day, he volunteered his morning to go ward to ward dressed as Santa Clause to wish each patient a Merry Christmas and deliver presents generously donated by local businesses.

“It was very rewarding to see the patients so happy,” Mr Thomas told The Spectator.

“After going through a lot of trauma myself recently, and the year it has been, I felt it was the least I could do.

“Making people happy is so rewarding.”

Mr Thomas was rostered to work on Christmas afternoon, but decided with his family to move their own celebration to Boxing Day so he could volunteer his morning.

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