A COVIDSAFE consultant will determine the fate of the Casterton Kelpie Muster in 2021.
Kelpie Association president, Karen Stephens said her committee had held lengthy discussions over the future of the muster’s milestone 25th year, after cancelling last year’s event and engaged the consultant to help develop a plan for running a COVID-compliant event – if it could be done at all.
“If the muster is going ahead in 2021, the committee wants to do it right … to assure our community that it is run in a compliant and safe way for locals and visitors,” she said.
“There is no doubt that this would be a big year for us, celebrating the 25th year and achieving more than $3 million in dog sales at the Working Dog Auction, but we also want to assure our community that we comply with the new Victorian State Government requirements for COVIDSafe Plans.”
Ms Stephens said the consultant began meetings with the committee yesterday, working through extensive checklists and conditions for running community events, before presenting a plan for the June long weekend.