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Easter Fair cancelled

THIS year’s annual Portland Easter Saturday Fair has been cancelled.

Co-organiser, Committee For Portland board member Anita Rank said a lack of resources and support from the community contributed to the decision to cancel.

“Unfortunately, at the moment we don’t have the resources to run the fair,” she said.

“COVID has taken up valuable resources and made it a lot more difficult to hold events. We need to see better support from within the community if we are to continue to run this fantastic event.”

“We are very grateful to those wonderful community members who offered to help with some of the key aspects of the fair this year, however we feel we don’t have the resources to run the event to the standard we have reached in the past.

“Hopefully we can re-establish the fair next year, but that will depend on support from local businesses and the wider community,” she said.

Co-organiser, Portland Observer representative Rowena Punton said the fair relies on support from both community members and local businesses.

“We are now looking towards hosting another twilight event in November, which was well supported last year, and we will re-assess the viability of the Easter Saturday Fair after that,” she said.

Proudly presented by Portland Observer in conjunction with Committee for Portland - Revitalise Portland Group, the annual Portland Easter Saturday Fair started in 2014 and provides a day of free family fun in Portland’s central business district.

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