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Duck hunting changes draw strong reactions

DUCK hunting season changes have been met with contrasting response as interested parties and stakeholders vie to garner public support for their opposing positions.

Two months ago the State Government announced the parameters of the upcoming hunting season, however based on a recently released helicopter survey by the Game Management Authority (GMA) that “found an estimated total population of almost 2.5 million game ducks”, some of those limitations were changed on Wednesday.

The government announced it would increase this year’s duck hunting season bag limit from the initially-decided two birds to five and also removed the ban on chestnut teal or grey teal being shot north of the Princes Highway - however the length of the season remained the same.

The news was welcomed by Western Victoria MP, Bev McArthur who said the government should consider extending the season further and not be “beholden to left-wing extremists on the crossbench”.

“Duck hunting is a perfectly legitimate recreational activity that provides a valuable outdoor experience to its participants and economic benefits to rural towns,” she said.

“Duck hunters do commendable conservation work in many wetland areas and ensure numerous water species flourish not just the small percentage that are hunted over a very limited period of time.

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