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Putting a spotlight on men’s mental and physical health

SOUTH-WEST men have been encouraged to check up on their physical and mental health this week as part the of national ‘Men’s Health Week’ campaign.

The week is used to generate awareness around male health issues, considering more men have accidents, take their own lives, suffer from lifestyle-related health conditions, and die at every life stage compared to women.

Men are also less frequent visitors to general practitioners, which is worsened by the perception they don’t care about their own health and that health services aren’t well prepared enough to treat men effectively.

Western District Health Service (WDHS) men’s health nurse practitioner, Stuart Willder said Men’s Health Week was particularly important now given recurring COVID-19 lockdowns.

“Men need to be aware of their mental and physical health because traditionally men just grind away at things, but they need to look after themselves especially during COVID-19,” he said.

“COVID has had a big impact on people’s physical and mental health.

“It’s about getting the word out that men’s health is just as important as women’s health.

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