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Exciting elf hunt

THE Glenelg Shire Council has organised a local elf hunt for children and their parents to participate in as Christmas is nearing.

The ‘Glenelf Hunt’ will run throughout three weeks, between November 29 to December 19, a fresh five riddles introduced every Monday on the Glenelg Council Facebook page, hinting locals towards the missing elves placed in participating local businesses.

Name and contact details must be provided on the form as well as five elf stickers that can be collected from each store once discovered the hiding elf.

Four winners will be drawn at random each week and will be awarded a $50 local shopping voucher to spend at local businesses.

To participate, entry forms can be collected from the Glenelg Shire offices, participating businesses, or downloaded from the Glenelg Shire website.

To have a chance at becoming one of four winners, finished forms are to be slipped into Santa’s post-box located in the Portland library.

Locals are encouraged to take part and stay tuned for new clues every week to get into the seasonal spirit.

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