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Reducing waste

THE Southern Grampians Shire Council has released a draft Waste Management Strategy for 2022-2026 that is open for community consultation.

The strategy aims to establish meaningful engagement with the State Government through the future Recycling Victoria agency to reduce waste going to landfill, provide for more and improved recycling, establish a thriving circular economy and a sustainable future for the Southern Grampians region.

Southern Grampians Shire Council mayor Bruach Colliton said it was clear during the recent council plan engagement that there was a significant aspiration in our community to improve sustainability and waste practices around the region.

“This strategy has been developed via significant community input, following which it became clear, that our communities and especially our young people, have a strong interest in developing practices that can contribute to a greener future,” he said.

The draft strategy will also look to establish initiatives that increase recycling and the repurposing of discarded but otherwise valuable materials, to help prevent usable items ending up in landfill.

“Taking on board that feedback and harnessing ideas from residents, we have developed a vision for the community to be engaged in waste reduction and to actively re-use and recover resources that will benefit the local environment and economy,” mayor Colliton said.

“To help us achieve this vision of waste reduction, council aims to reduce waste generation by promoting the use of recycled products, improving recovery of resources by more efficient practices and by working closely with local businesses and industry.

“Residents are invited to provide further ideas and feedback on the strategy to help us plan for a sustainable future.”

Community members can view the draft strategy and provide feedback online at:

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