ROYAL Mail Hotel in Dunkeld has once again been recognised for its superior hospitality winning an award at the 2021 Tourism Accommodation Australia (Victoria) Accommodation Awards for Excellence.
Wickens at Royal Mail Hotel, famous for its fine-dining experience with kitchen garden inspired degustation menus, has taken out top place in the Regional Hotel Restaurant of the Year category.
Winners were announced at a gala dinner held at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne in early December before a gathering of 500 hotel industry and business stakeholders.
The Royal Mail kitchen boasts a stage like setting with a world-class wine list showcasing bottles from an impressive 25,000 bottle cellar, giving diners a spectacular vista of the southern Gariwerd (Grampians National Park), overlooking Wurgarri (Mount Sturgeon) and Mud-Dadjug (Mount Abrupt).
Tourism Accommodation Australia general manager, Dougal Hollis paid tribute to those in the industry recognising the levels of innovation and resilience Victorian hoteliers have demonstrated, over the past 21 months of interrupted trade.