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Stolen sheep

DETECTIVES are investigating if the theft of hundreds of sheep from a property in Chatsworth on December 17, are linked to the 1100 Merino sheep stolen between October 18 and December 20, this year.

Warrnambool detectives received reports that around 500 sheep had been stolen from a property on Chatsworth-Bolac Road on Friday, December 17.

It was reported the stolen sheep were worth $115,000 in total.

Police believe a truck or small trailer may have been used to transport the sheep away from the farm and are urging anyone with information or who witnessed suspicious behaviour or vehicles around the Chatsworth area, to contact police immediately.

It is currently unknown if the theft is linked to the 1100 stolen merino sheep worth $250,000, which were taken from four separate properties in Cavendish, Lake Bolac, Clunes, and Coleraine over a five-week period.

Officers from Hamilton, Ararat, and Bacchus Marsh Police Service Areas are continuing to investigate the large-scale thefts and are unsure if any are linked.

Of the 1100 merino sheep reported stolen, 339 were from a property in Cavendish (believed to have been stolen between October 18 – November 11), 450 were from a property in Lake Bolac (believed to have been stolen between October 25 – December 17), 240 were from a property in Clunes (believed to have been stolen between November 17 – December 9), and 100 sheep were from a property in Coleraine (believed to have been stolen between December 5-20).

Anyone in the farming community who has information or has noticed any suspicious activity is encouraged to contact their local police station immediately or make an anonymous report to Crime Stoppers Victoria on 1800 333 000.

If you’re the victim of livestock theft, contact your local police station or the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.

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