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Students shine in first in Teach the Teacher workshop



VIC SRC runs the Teach the Teacher program in schools across Victoria. 

This year they have been employed by Beyond the Bell to work with a range of schools, including us, in the Shire of Glenelg.

Teach the Teacher is a five-step program which includes upskilling student researchers in data collection and consultation with other students, data analysis by students, student development and presentation of a professional learning session and development of an action plan by students and staff for their school.

On Wednesday last week, our Teach the Teacher representatives, Rupert, Chloe, Darcy, Ruby, Brooklyn and Georgia, headed to the Heywood Consolidated School for our first workshop with the VicSRC. 

There were seven other schools from within the Shire of Glenelg involved in this project.

After some icebreaker games, the two leaders explained how the project works and the various steps. 

They explained that the students would be talking to students, teachers and families to find out what is going on and to find out what we can do better. 

Teach the Teacher is about empowering students to have a say and for their voice to be listened to by adults. 

The project is looking to explore student engagement and the groups will be working on an action plan.

The first activity asked us to consider and record questions like what makes a great teacher, what makes learning fun and what makes you feel safe and happy at school. 

After sharing ideas with another school, each group was asked to think about who they should talk to in the school, what questions should be asked and how to ask them.

I was enormously proud of my group of students. 

They were enthusiastic and productive and have already developed a solid plan for collecting the data we need to take to the next workshop next term.  

They have considered different formats of questioning for different age groups within our school and had some creative ideas to collect information including white boards in the school yard. 

I am excited for the potential of this project. 

Outstanding efforts awarded

STUDENT of the Week Awards were presented this week to 16 students, including our Teach the Teacher representatives, for going above and beyond in their school work and interactions with their peers.

The first award from Miss Dennis and Mrs Barlow, was presented to Harper Searle for her fantastic work ethic.

Mrs Richardson presented two awards – the first to Georgia Killey for her expressive reading and understanding of her reading.

The second award went to Max Beaton, for his neat work and enthusiasm with his work.

Mrs Wombwell presented awards to both Angel Pillar and Alannah Johns for working quietly and being responsible learners.

Miss Jackson presented awards to Georgia Bailey and Brooklyn Mutch for always being ready and organised for learning.

The awards from Mrs Lawrence were presented to Coopa Kerr and Jett Lykke for their selflessness.

Mrs Kelly presented a music award to Dougie Harvey, for putting in a great effort in both Indonesian and music.

Rupert Dorahy, Chloe Kurzman, Darcy Brown, Ruby Forbes, Brooklyn Mutch and Georgia Bailey each received awards for their enthusiasm and engagement in the first Teach the Teacher workshop.

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