STUDENTS from across the Glenelg Shire have been inducted as the next wave of youth mental health leaders following the official welcome event for Live4Life.
Year nine and tens from Casterton, Heywood and Portland spent a full day at the Portland Golf Club on Friday learning the community’s aim, participating in activities and getting to know each other.
The induction day provided them with a hands-on insight into the year ahead, with team building exercises, planning activities and an overview of Live4Life.
All new 41 members and last year’s crew members took part in competitive games such as which group could unjumble the words quickest, put themselves in order tallest to smallest without speaking and eat all their donuts first.
New crew members were comfortable with mixing in with other students from different schools and had no problem with participating in the day’s plans.
Live4Life Glenelg Crew Support Worker Maddy McKinna said the new crew members played a critical role in the Live4Life model.
“Young people from years 9 and 10 are given the opportunity to become leaders in their local area, and to advocate for mental health support and education.
It is evident that young people want to hear from their peers about mental health, which is why the crew is so vital to Live4Life’s success in the community,” she said.
“Throughout the year crew members will gain valuable knowledge and skills to help them feel more confident in their role as Youth Mental Health Ambassadors.
“They will champion positive mental health promotion, organise events, as well as building their own public speaking and communication skills.
“We are so proud of our local Crew here in the Glenelg Shire and are excited about supporting them to become local leaders and powerful ambassadors for mental health.
“We look forward to introducing our new crews to the community, with launch events planned for the near future.”