ON THE weekend we held a Merino Market.
It happens every year and we were busy making heaps of things.
We painted pots and put plants in them and we made more bird houses because lots of people still want to buy them.
We sold things that we made in our kitchen and they were really yummy.
We also sold chopping boards.
- Judd
OUR garden this term is almost finished growing.
We are taking out the plants that have finished producing fruit and vegetables.
We had lots of tomatoes and zucchinis as well as squash and lettuce and strawberries.
We used them lots in our kitchen lessons making heaps of food.
I love our garden.
- Charli
WE HAVE been playing heaps in our playground at recess and lunch.
We play so many games with everyone.
Yesterday we played ‘the floor is lava’ with the whole school.
It was so much fun and then teachers joined in and everyone was laughing.
- Ryan
IN PREP I have been counting with the teacher.
I have been counting from different numbers and yesterday I started to learn how to skip numbers when I count.
I love counting forwards and backwards and I like doing my numbers.
- Theo