THE last two weeks at Sacred Heart have been very busy.
Our sports-related days were district athletics and regional swimming.
Students from Grades 3 to 6 competed at the CDSSA District Athletics where we did all of our field and track events.
Good job to Marlee Robbins who brought home the Age Champion medal for the 12+ Girls,
Zoe Withers went to Horsham and represented the CDSSA in the Regional Swimming championships, she came ninth out of 16 in breaststroke, well done Zoe on your awesome effort!
St Patrick’s Day
WE HELD St Patrick's Day celebrations on the 17th of March.
Everyone one did an excellent job on dressing up in green for a gold coin donation and it was lovely having a shared lunch with everyone.
Mini Vinnies were selling Zooper Doopers and raised a whopping $50.50c in total for Caritas.
Class time
EACH class has also been doing lots of learning:
THE Junior class has been making books and posters about the letter D, playing ‘Go Fish!’ and practising their cutting skills.
The play-based learning area is set up as an Easter Workshop, we can't wait to see what these clever little bunnies have been creating.
Middle class
THE middle-class students have been doing a resilience project, learning about empathy which means being kind to others and feeling their emotions.
They have also been doing patterned writing: “Before morning, massive rumbling roaring rockets launched, smoking and disappearing, over the clouds”.
- Thomas Henty-Anderson, Grade 2
Senior class
LUCKY last the Seniors have also been doing patterned writing in scaffolding literacy, we completed our first maths olympics competition, wrote their responses to the Anzac Ode of Remembrance and had lots of fun competing in their classroom reward activity ‘a Gross Olympics’.
“Bird soars in the air … along the lonely horizon.
“Where the air outside is polluted and dense. Boundless kangaroos watch him soar as the wombat waddles away.
“The moon shines down on the dark atmosphere.
“It freezes in the coldness.
“As animals climb into bed.
“And bird stops to rest.”
- Owen Mason, Grade 4