THE Western District Health Service (WDHS) has closed the doors to its COVID-19 vaccination clinic after over 12 months of administering jabs.
In a Facebook post on Tuesday night, WDHS thanked the thousands of locals who received their jab at the clinic and said demand had reduced enough for the clinic to shut for now.
“A big thank you to our staff who have delivered over 17,100 COVID vaccinations since March last year, and to everyone who has stepped up to get their #jabDone,” the post read.
WDHS chief executive, Rohan Fitzgerald said the vaccination clinic had been an incredible effort by the hospital’s vaccinators, screeners, pharmacy, IT, bookings, cleaning, and communications teams.
“We are also very grateful to the community for their response to the vaccination program,” he said.
“Even though we’re shifting gear for now, we are also working with local sporting clubs and community organisations to develop tailored vaccination clinics for our local community – you might even get a jab on game day.
“With a 57 per cent increase in local COVID cases last week, we are urging anyone who isn’t up to date with their vaccinations to make an appointment at a local GP clinic, or pharmacy as soon as possible.”