IAN Hamley is excited about the 2022 Good Friday Appeal coming up next week.
The veteran firefighter of 22 years says it’s the first time in two years volunteers have been able to get out and collect for the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal because of the pandemic and the lockdown, and said they are all looking forward to it.
He’s hoping to match or better the amount they raised last time they were able to hit the streets, collection tins in hand.
“In 2019 we collected around $22,000, so I’d like to keep going up, if we can.”
There’s an army of volunteers and trucks behind this worthy cause.
“Stuart Richardson is our Good Friday Appeal Coordinator, so that includes all of the money-counting and the banking and so on of the funds, and we have FRV, SES and CFA Portland; we’ve also got CFA from Heathmere and Cashmore coming in to help this year as well.
“We kick off at 9 o’clock on Good Friday, and the city will be divided up into five areas: one truck in each area.
“The trucks will drive up and down the streets with a bit of music playing and lights flashing, and people can come out and donate to the Royal Children’s Hospital.”
“The Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal seems to have been going forever, “since the fifties and sixties,” he said.
“It’s an annual event on our calendar and CFA is renowned for supporting the Appeal across the state, so all CFA brigades across Victoria will be out, rattling tins and collecting money.”
This year marks CFA’s71st year of supporting the appeal and the sight of volunteers fundraising from fire trucks and at traffic lights across the state is an iconic feature of the event.
It has raised more than $35m since 1951, helping the hospital deliver world-class care to sick kids.
In Portland, “we’re probably looking at 30 people or more out collecting, and a myriad of people back here at the station counting money and preparing our lunch,” the firefighter said.
“We usually finish up by around 4pm, and all the money is tallied up and usually finished by about 7pm, ready to go to the bank and transferred to the Children’s Hospital.”
So, a final message for Portlanders?
“Yes, come out and support not only the brigade – the CFA and FRV – but also the Children’s Hospital; it’s a worthy cause,” Ian said.
“For the public to come out and support us again would be fantastic.
“As I said, it’s been two years since we’ve been able to get out and do it, and we’re all excited doing it again.
“It’s a great day, it’s a good event, and it all goes to a very worthwhile cause. “Give that they may grow.”