COMMUNITY safety has received a boost with an extra $3.5 million provided by the Federal Government to Crime Stoppers Australia.
The funding will support the national Dob-in-a-Dealer campaign to take down drug dealers.
Incumbent, Wannon MP, Dan Tehan said Australians could trust the government to keep families safe from the damage caused by illicit drugs.
“Illegal drugs cause untold despair and damage to families and individuals – both here in Wannon and nationally,” he said.
“This extra funding will mean more local communities across Australia can be encouraged to actively report on the manufacture and supply of illicit drugs – so we can catch the criminals who profit from the misery of drugs.”
“The fight on drugs is something we take very seriously - the Morrison Government’s policies are working and are having a real impact,” Mr Tehan said.
“Every dealer, no matter how large or small their enterprise, is connected to organised crime – and this government will continue to crack down on offenders.”
Home Affairs minister, Karen Andrews said, “this builds on record funding in the Budget so the Australian Federal Police (AFP) can get even more weapons and drugs off our streets and keep locals safe”.
“Under the Morrison Government, decriminalising drug trafficking offences will never be up for negotiation, and we will continue to give our law enforcement agencies the powers and resources they need to keep our communities safe,” she said.
“Labor and the Greens’ ‘soft on crime’ approach would destroy local communities and fuel organised crime.”
Mr Tehan said the results speak for themselves - under the government:
• the weight of illicit drugs seized nationally increased by 45 per cent last financial year – to a staggering 38.5 tonnes – which is a 314 per cent increase over the last decade; and,
• this has resulted in a decrease in the consumption of cocaine, methylamphetamine, MDMA, and heroin by almost five tonnes, or 23 per cent year-on-year – the first decrease in illicit drug consumption recorded in five years.
Mr Tehan said that national security and community safety were fundamental to the government’s plan for a stronger future.
People with information about the manufacture, importation or sale of illicit drugs should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online at Callers can remain anonymous.