THE decision to award the contract for operating Hamilton’s cinema by Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) was recently deferred due to the unknown factor of the art gallery expansion.
SGSC resolved in November 2021 to start a public tender process to find a private operator, which was open between December 24, 2021 - January 21, 2022.
Whilst the process did receive one bid, the shire executive management team was happy to recommend ShowBiz Cinemas - who also operate in Swan Hill and Ballarat.
A risk Council did not wish to take was the potential for problems with the final design of the extension of the art gallery in the same building.
Councillor, Albert Calvano said that since “this area could be needed for the future of the expansion”, he supported leaving the matter until Council had the information necessary to avoid complications in transferring the running of the cinema to a private operator.
“At present, the area of the cinemas should remain a status quo business-as-usual operated by council until we are presented with the plans of expansion of the art gallery,” he said.
“Then we can determine what the future of the cinema is to be.”
No date has been set to award the contract.