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Museum revved up for reopening

THE Portland Powerhouse Motor and Car Museum is back running after being knocked around by the January storm that left many Portland and district buildings in shambles.

Monday will be the first open day for the museum after five months of cleaning up and repairing the damage caused by extensive flooding.

Located at the bottom of a hill, on the corner of Percy and Glenelg streets, the building was flooded with water that reached up to 20cm deep and brought in extensive dirt, leaves and all sorts.

President of the club John Keller knew the building had a long road to recovery but was very thankful to the Glenelg Shire Council for the handy work along the way.

“People started work on it pretty much the following week and we got it happening pretty quick, they did a magnificent job in getting all that to happen,” Mr Keller said.

“It was just the biggest mess that I could ever imagine.

“It's all been done through councils’ insurance because it is their building.

“The other one that we should recognize is Kevin (Hanlon) because he spent more time than any club member was expected to down here getting things back in shape.”

Luckily, no cars or other items on display were damaged, there was only a large mess and the lower part of the meeting rooms walls and bathrooms that needed to be replaced.

Although the meeting room is still yet to be finished with painting and putting furniture back together, club members are excited to return to their second home and to get stuck back into where they left off.

The Museum will open again this Monday May 9 and will continue to run normal hours.

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