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AN additional 10 cameras will be installed in high traffic areas in the Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) under phase two of the closed-circuit television (CCTV) rollout.

SGSC announced the important crime preventative measure in conjunction with Victoria Police.

Phase two of the project will include installing cameras in Hamilton, Penshurst, Cavendish, Glenthompson, Branxholme, Byaduk and Balmoral.

The initial 20-camera rollout last year saw CCTV cameras introduced in Dunkeld, Coleraine, and parts of Hamilton.

SGSC mayor, Bruach Colliton said Council was pleased to once again partner with Victoria Police to improve safety in the region.

“The implementation of the first phase of the program has proved a beneficial resource to help increase security and improve visibility and safety for locals and visitors across the Southern Grampians,” he said.

“Through the SouthWest Victoria Alliance, Council has been able to secure state funding to extend the CCTV partnership with Victoria Police and implement the next phase of the project.

“We look forward to seeing the next camera rollout completed by the end of June.”

The SouthWest Victoria Alliance (formally the Great South Coast Group) covers a large geographic area of Victoria's south-west coast and hinterland and is an alliance between the Shires of Colac Otway, Corangamite, Glenelg, Moyne, Southern Grampians, City of Warrnambool, and industry.

Under the Alliance’s charter, is the goal to work with all tiers of government, industry, and the community for the good of the entire south-west region.

Locations for phase two were determined after a review of cameras from the 2021 installation and engagement with Victoria Police.

Phase two will focus on surrounding townships, major road thoroughfares and capturing footage outside of licensed premises around the Shire.

Victoria Police senior sergeant, Gerard Kelly said the installation of cameras in high traffic areas provided police with additional tools to investigate criminal activity around the region and assist with operational matters in real time.

“The CCTV cameras have helped to solve crime and target community safety,” Sen Serg Kelly said.

“We have seen some good examples where the footage of public spaces has contributed to the identification of people who have committed offences or helped identify safety issues. Police have been able to respond quickly and help address issues.

“For example, there was a theft that occurred in a couple of businesses in Coleraine where detectives were able to view the Council footage and identify two vehicles that were stolen from the business addresses.

“We were subsequently then able to identify the offenders on cameras located in Hamilton and apprehend them. Those offenders are now going through the court process.”

The privacy of residents and visitors was carefully considered as part of the rollout.

The cameras and Council’s overall CCTV network complied with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, SGSC’s Privacy Policy, and the Local Government Act 2020.

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