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Wannon heads to the polls this Saturday

AUSTRALIA will go to the polls this weekend, to choose its Federal leaders for the next four years.

Polling booths open at venues including Casterton Town Hall, Balmoral Mechanics Hall, Cavendish Memorial Hall and Merino, Coleraine and Dartmoor Primary Schools from 8am, this Saturday, 21 May, with voting closing at 6pm.

Pre-polling day voting is still available for those unable to attend a booth on Saturday.

Votes can be lodged at venues including the Senior Citizens Rooms at 100 Lonsdale St, Hamilton, between 8.30am and 5.30pm tomorrow, Thursday, 19 May and between 8.30am and 6pm on Friday, 20 May.

Eight candidates representing six political parties and two independents, will contest the seat of Wannon and following forums in Hamilton and Portland, the Casterton News gave each candidate the opportunity to address its readership, with information about themselves, answers to a number of questions and submission of a headshot of themselves.

Candidates were advised that submissions beyond the allocated word limit would be cut and submissions after the allotted deadline would not be published.

Three candidates responded to the offer, before the allotted deadline – their responses are below; no candidate submitted a photograph for publication.

Further information about this year’s election, including polling booths and pre-poll voting, can be found on the AEC website.

Wannon candidate submissions to CN:

CRAIGE KENSEN - United Australia Party (UAP)

Previous government experience:

Occupation: Self-employed

Lives:  Casterton, 3311

Why did you nominate?

I witnessed the economic, social, emotional and health impacts from restrictions implemented by incompetent and morally corrupted politicians. Businesses have been destroyed, all the while governments best buddies’ or “essential” multinationals, Bunnings, Harvey Normans, Dan Murphy’s, and McDonalds remained open. Mum and dad takeaways, cafes and family restaurants remained shut all under the guise of keeping you safe. Governments are not looking after you, they look after themselves and their mates. Like 151 other like-minded candidates Australia-wide I joined the UAP motivated in campaigning for the right reasons - because I care for the future, freedom, and sovereignty of Australia.

Priority issues for Wannon?

Fuel supply: We have approximately 2 to 3 weeks fuel reserves in Australia. We ship our crude oil by boat to Singapore for refining. Then we ship it back. We need fuel security. If you want to destroy Australia, any nation can just cut off our fuel supply. We will starve. Farmers will not be able to produce, crops and livestock will die.

Agricultural Land: Secret to our sovereignty is protecting prime agricultural land. UAP will not allow foreign ownership of our water or land. Wind Generators or Solar Collector Panels cannot be erected on land that produces our food.

Which of your/your party’s policies/agenda items would see the greatest positive and direct impact/influence for Wannon residents and why?

Towns are dying. In the main street of Casterton, 49 businesses are open, 21 are closed, (including 4 banks!) and 5 are closing  or up for sale. Casterton is no different from rural towns that are shrinking. We need policies that support residents, decentralization, and local manufacturing with solid base tax supports. UAP will - increase aged pensions $180/fortnight, forgive HECS debt, higher education free, 20% tax incentive to move 200kms from major cities, home loan repayments for first $30,000 tax deductable each year, legislate existing home loans to be capped at 3% for 5 years.

GILBERT WILSON - Australian Labor Party (ALP)

Previous government experience:  Portland City Council – 1988 until 1992, Glenelg Shire - 2002 until present, three terms as Mayor of Glenelg Shire.

Occupation: Retired.

Lives:  Portland, 3305

Why did you nominate?

Poor representation of the electorate by the incumbent. A safe Liberal seat, the incumbent doesn’t ensure that Wannon receives its share of financial assistance. He's failed to protect a local manufacturing company by allowing imported goods that should be made here. The Liberal’s are not acting on climate change, instead they continue to fund the fossil fuel industry. A deliberate withdrawal of funding indexation over eight years for Medicare has resulted in loss of GP’s in the rural areas and loss of bulk billing. We need an Independent National Anti-Corruption Commission. Women's safety at work and community.

Which of your/your party’s policies/agenda items would see the greatest positive and direct impact/influence for Wannon residents and why?

Medicare and corrections to the NDIS systems will give residents better support.  Climate change policy will provide many jobs as well as getting to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 which will slow down coastal erosion and significant climate changes to farming.  A Labor win in Wannon will see increased financial assistance due to an historic Labor win. A Labor Member will continue to reside in and fight for the electorate's fair share.  Labor will encourage equal wages for women and with the rising cost of living better wages for all.  Labor's aged care plan will look after this sector.

GRAHAM GARNER - Independent

Previous government experience:  Colac Ratepayers Jury


Lives: Colac, 3250.

Why did you nominate?

The reason I am standing is simply because people want the mandates gone and their choices , rights and entitlements returned . Also to return every aspect of quality of life and its affordability to all Australians.

Priority issues for Wannon?

I am standing for the Electorate of Wannon for a lot of reasons. There are two primary reasons , 1. Safe Blue Ribbon seats get steamrolled when it comes to funding. 2. Families and businesses have been literally abused by the incumbent Liberal Government. When you see the Portland Hospital end up with no “ Birthing Suite “, when the incumbent member has been in the seat for 11 odd years , nothing else needs to be said. Except for the fact , someone else needs to rule the seat of Wannon.

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