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Biggest by name and by nature – morning tea topples records

CASTERTON’S Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser has smashed another record this year after topping more than $2000 in the kitty for the first time in its 24-year history.

The local event’s organiser, Betty Collins, was excited to announce last Thursday’s morning tea raised a total of $2438.10 in the national effort against cancer.

Of that, $380 was raised in a silent auction of a garden feature donated by Greg Nolte, which Mrs Collins said was especially impressive.

“That was a great one on top of everything else,” she said.

The total beat the previous record of $1766.45, which was made just last year, by more than a third.

Around 50 people from the local area attended Pauline Durbidge’s home on Robertson Street to donate to the cause and enjoy a cuppa and the massive spread of treats – all prepared and donated by locals.

The event was one of more than 18,000 morning teas registered with the Cancer Council to take place across May and June as part of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, with more than $3 million raised nationwide at the time of printing.

Mrs Collins said she was grateful to all who attended as well as those who provided food to help make the event possible.

“We’ve had such a great successful day and we want to give a thank you to the generous people that donated to it,” she said.

“Thanks (to Mrs Durbidge) for offering her home for it again.

“I know people are very generous and it is for a good cause.”

Mrs Collins said Casterton Foodworks also supported this year’s event.

The morning tea has been held annually in Casterton since Mrs Collins and friend Pat Davis first hosted it in 1999.

Mrs Davis passed away in 2001 after a battle with cancer and Mrs Collins has since continued to hold the event in her honour with a band of helpers.

This year, she also paid tribute to Margie Wood, who passed away with cancer earlier this year.

“(Margie) was one of our great helpers,” Mrs Collins said.

A significant portion of funds this year were raised through entries for a raffle, with tickets sold in the week leading up to the morning tea and prizes donated by local businesses.

Cathy Parfrey won first prize in the raffle and received a $50 voucher for Richardson Butchery, while Vera Madex won a $30 voucher for the Great Escape Garden Centre and Pauline Carmichael took home a $25 voucher for the Element Café. A lucky draw was also taken on the day – the winners were Gwen Richardson and Celia Smith, who were respectively gifted a cup and saucer-themed wind chime and a pot plant.

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