IT was a little different from usual but that didn’t deter the newest Australian citizens from enjoying confirmation of their new status in Portland on Monday.
The Portland library was the venue for two citizenship ceremonies conducted by Glenelg Shire Council.
But things were not quite the same for several reasons.
Firstly the council reception room was out of action due to the January 6 storm, meaning a move to the library meeting room.
The ceremony also had to be divided in two to cater for 12 citizens – itself a larger than normal number – in the confines of the room.
Then council chief executive Greg Burgoyne had to conduct the ceremony as presiding officer due to the absence of Mayor Anita Rank, who had contracted coronavirus, and the other councillors who were apologies for various reasons.
Thanks to the federal election at the weekend, there was no Citizenship Minister sworn in by the time of the ceremony, meaning their usual pre-recorded message could not be read.
However there were some old favourites, including the gift pack with the prized citizenship biscuit, and a recording of the national anthem sung heartily by the new citizens and their guests.