LOCAL Year 9 students were treated to Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) taster days today and yesterday, where they were shown what courses are available to them for their year 10 studies.
The day was organised by Glenelg and Southern Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network (GSGLLEN) and saw South West TAFE, Hamilton District Skills Centre (HDSC), and Monivae College come together to provide a first-hand look at the different courses on offer.
170 Year 9 students from Monivae College, The Hamilton and Alexandra College, Good Shepherd College, Balmoral K-12 Community College, and Baimbridge College participated in the workshops over the two days, which GSGLLEN pathways broker, Marg Wagner, said aimed to open students’ minds to different study pathways they may not have previously considered.
“Each location has provided students with a hands-on overview of the courses that they offer so that by the end of the day, they might have an idea of what they wish to pursue,” she said.
“They will have a clearer understanding of how Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses fit into their senior secondary pathway.
“Students who enrol in VET courses have the opportunity to gain insights and experience within an industry they’re interested in working in, and to get ahead in their career while they are still at school.”
The taster days saw students separated into groups and move through a series of workshops, with the groups at HDSC introduced to courses in automotive technology, building and construction, kitchen operations, salon assistance, creative industries (3D animation), and applied digital technologies (game programming).
The groups at South West TAFE were presented with a sample of the agriculture, health services assistance, and early childhood and care courses available to students form Year 10.
The Victorian Department of Education and Training senior secondary schooling reform will come into effect from the beginning of 2023, with the new VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate replacing VCAL, and offering students more choices, a higher-quality curriculum, and better workplace experiences so they are prepared to jump into further study, TAFE training, or work.
VETDSS combines senior secondary studies with practical hands-on experience and work relevant skills, while providing additional pathways.
Ms Wagner said the new senior secondary pathways and curriculum would benefit the economy by placing more work ready people in high demand sectors such as nursing and childcare.
“The reform has an emphasis on building the aspirations and skills of young people in Victoria, setting them up for future careers, and meeting the needs of the modern economy,” she said.
“There will be an increased focus on vocational and applied learning, critical and creative thinking, communication skills, teamwork and collaboration, curiosity, and innovation.
“Thousands of new jobs relying on VET qualifications in community services, construction and hospitality, will drive our state’s economic recovery.”
With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing classrooms to move online and taking away the opportunity for students to participate in interactive taster days, Ms Wagner said it was essential students were now provided with information about all the study pathways open to them.
“After the last two and a half years we have experienced, the GSGLLEN saw a real need to bring providers together to create some clarity and direction for our young people,” she said.
“There have been many limitations put on these students and there will be many more challenges as we navigate this changing environment both educationally and economically.
“Our structured workplace learning coordinator and pathways broker will be here for the students when they are ready to explore their work placements to support the Vocational Education courses they select.”
Local students who are particularly interested in learning more about agriculture will also have the opportunity to participate in a ‘Careers in Agriculture’ day at Rural Industries Skills Training (RIST) on July 18.