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Best on tap

THE Water Industry Operators Association of Australia (WIOA) has announced the opening of the Ixom 2022 Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia competition, searching for the best state water supply.

Water authorities from regional and metropolitan areas will participate in state heats with water samples to be judged on colour, clarity, odour, and mouthfeel quality during blind taste tests.

The top drop from each state will then battle it out for the top prize in NSW.

Delivering high-quality water to household taps for a drink, to cook and shower every day involves complex maintenance of the water infrastructure.

The competition is testament to the diligence and commitment of the operational employees who deliver quality water to Australian communities.

The winner of the Ixom 2022 Best Tasting Tap Water in Australia competition will have bragging rights for the next 12 months and go on to represent Australia at the annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition held in West Virginia, USA.

WIOA managing director George Wall said the competition recognised and acknowledged individuals and organisations that endure in very trying circumstances to make sure communities are supplied with safe drinking water every day.

“We want to use the competition to let people know the great work that is going on in local communities around Australia and help shape and secure Australia’s water future,” he said.

“WIOA would also like to acknowledge Ixom’s support of the Best Tasting Tap Water competition. 

“We have been able to run the competition through these uncertain times because of their unwavering commitment and support to the industry.”

Ixom managing director and chief executive said Ixom was proud to be the sponsor of the prestigious 2022 WIOA Best Tasting Tap Water competition.

“WIOA invites all water boards and authorities to participate in the competition in its search for the best tap water in each state and nationally. Water will be judged based on its colour, clarity, odour and taste,” Mr Head said.

 “Ixom has been involved in water treatment for almost a century.

“We supply water treatment chemicals to water treatment plants all over Australia to help ensure that Australia continues to have world renowned, high quality water.”

Wannon Water Hamilton won the State Championship for Best Tasting Tap Water in 2018.

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