WANNON Water is seeking community feedback through an online survey on plans to increase public access to more of its sites in the region for recreational use.
The company’s Recreation Opportunities Strategy is in development to explore ideas, set priorities and consider funding sources.
Potential ideas for using the sites include bicycle or art trails, picnics, bird watching, mountain biking and motorbike racing.
Wannon Water’s Ian Bail said it was considering how it could increase recreational opportunities in the region.
“Health and wellbeing is important to our customers and the communities we serve and we’re committed to finding ways that we can help deliver these broader outcomes,” he said.
The company already delivered recreational opportunities on some sites – including providing access for fishing and walking at Konongwootong Reservoir near Coleraine – but said there were “extra things” it could do.
Mr Bell said Wannon Water had already sought input from local councils before seeking community input through the survey.
“(Community feedback will) guide us in prioritising the opportunities we’ve identified in our strategy and assist us in deciding how we proceed with implementation, including applying for supporting funding to ensure we keep our services affordable,” he said.
The survey can be accessed on the Wannon Water website, with the strategy expected to be finalised in August.