THE future of the Hamilton SmartFarm research centre continues to hang in the balance, with ongoing job uncertainty for its staff members after a further 16 positions were allegedly axed, leaving only four staff on site.
A net reduction plan under the 2021-22 Victorian Budget called on all public service departments – including the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) which employs over 3600 people and incorporates Agriculture Victoria (AV) – to implement a range of budget saving measures.
One staff member alleged yesterday that although currently still employed at Hamilton SmartFarm, the remaining staff really do not have a definitive answer about the future of the site or their job security.
While the staff member believes their current job will not continue, they “have not been informed if they will be managed into lower paid positions or another position altogether, or offered a package”.
At one point the employee was asked to relocate to another AV site, however that was not possible due to family commitments in Hamilton.
Some staff members have been employed for several years, and some decades at Hamilton SmartFarm, and were reportedly disenchanted with the lack of compassion for the long serving loyal staff, and that decisions affecting their livelihoods were being determined by “someone in the city”.
The primary focus of Hamilton SmartFarm research is on the delivery of forage innovations for dairy and other livestock industries, cropping in a high rainfall zone, and red meat productivity.
Already in 2022, under the Early Retirement Scheme, 109 AV positions have been vacated.
Earlier this year, a DJPR spokesperson said staff departures were being staggered to ensure that the department continued to deliver high quality services across Victoria. The DJPR was contacted yesterday but did not reply in time for print.
Leader of the Nationals and shadow Agriculture minister, Peter Walsh, said in June the fact that AV had been targeted shows the disdain the State Government has for regional Victoria, and farmers in particular.
He said that AV had already suffered from under-resourcing, and with less people working on the ground to deliver crucial research and development initiatives, farmers’ profitability and sustainability would suffer.
The Hamilton Spectator previously reported on the uncertainty of Hamilton SmartFarm in early June after multiple AV job cuts.