LOCAL businesses interested in nominating themselves for the 2022 Southern Grampians Shire Business Awards will have to do so before nominations close on Friday, July 15.
The awards aim to celebrate the achievements of local businesses across all industries and has categories including Retail Business, Manufacturing, Inclusive Business, Community Enterprise, Sustainability, Tourism, Service Business, Technology and Innovation, and Micro Business.
Southern Grampians Shire Council mayor, Bruach Colliton, said it was great to have the awards return this year after the COVID-19 pandemic, and he hoped businesses would jump at the chance to be involved.
“This year, we are putting the call out to all businesses thinking about nominating to get online to apply or pick up the phone for more information,” he said.
Judging will take place from August 15-19, with the prestigious presentation evening held later in the year on September 9.
Entrants must be located and operate within the Southern Grampians Shire boundaries and have been operating over the last 12 months.
Businesses are also asked to identify their main business activity on the entry form and the judge will determine the finalists and winners in each of the categories.
The independent judge will visit all nominated businesses and talk through their strengths and achievements, and will provide steps that can be taken to improve the business processes, with feedback visits occurring in November.
Questions regarding the nomination or judging process can be directed to Council’s Business Team on 5573 0444.
Nominations can be made via by completing an online nomination form at sthgrampians.vic.gov.au/awards