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Hamilton Air Base wins state award

HAMILTON Air Base, the largest Country Fire Authority (CFA) operated air base staffed entirely by CFA volunteers, has been awarded the Spirit of CFA Excellence in Capability Planning 2020 Team Award.

The award, which acknowledges the contribution made by CFA members in ensuring we have the capability and resources to keep the community safe through showing leadership, was presented at a ceremony in Ballarat on Sunday, July 17.

From humble beginnings just a few years ago to a state-of-the-art facility today, the air base is recognised as the primary aerial fire support facility in western Victoria and has become the CFA’s premier air base in support of firefighting aircraft.

It has a reputation of being professionally run and highly-efficient in its operations, with fully qualified volunteers able to swiftly reload bombers with water, foam, or retardant.

The team’s communications unit also provides aircraft monitoring.

The air base was established by Bochara and Dunkeld brigade volunteer, Leighton Wraith AFSM, a volunteer of more than 40 years and a licensed pilot, after he saw the need for better ground support and arrangements for deployment in the region during the 2013 Grampians fires.

Mr Wraith was adamant there should be a permanent air base to service and support firebombing aircraft at Hamilton Aerodrome, and strongly advocated for one to be established.

Mr Wraith sadly passed away in March last year, but his legacy continues to live on through the hard work of the dedicated 30 volunteers who not only maintain the base but are active members of reloading crews and are on call 24 hours a day.

The 30 volunteers come from 16 brigades across the district, with members rostered on as teams during high-risk fire days to ensure the base can respond.

During the 2019-20 bushfires, the effective deployment and efficient reloading of firebombers from Hamilton Air Base prevented the need to obtain resources from elsewhere across the state.

In the period from mid-December to mid-February 2020, crews loaded 310 air attack aircraft – sometimes loading 52 aircraft in one day alone.

Teamwork is the highest priority in this dangerous and dynamic work area, with members rostered on as loading crews to manage fatigue during major periods of operation.

All members complete loader training and regular drills to ensure their skills are up to date.

Members are also trained in first aid and hold special licences such as a forklift licence so they can manage all aspects of base operations.

In addition to supporting aerial firefighting operations, Hamilton Air Base hosts crews from the CFA and other emergency services agencies from across the state for bomber loading training.

The base is also used for mentoring air attack supervisors and air base managers.

Hamilton Air Base manager and CFA volunteer of more than 50 years, Simon Wilson, said the team winning the award was wonderful recognition of Mr Wraith’s efforts to establish the air base.

“Leighton was the driving force behind the air base and the one who had the idea of utilising volunteers to support air operations,” he said.

“We’re carrying on his legacy.

“It’s very much a team effort and the spirit is really high among our members.

“Our response times are fantastic and we feel as though we are making a real difference and contribution.”

Mr Wilson said none of the team’s achievements would have been possible without Mr Wraith and the dedicated team of volunteers at the air base.

“Receiving a Spirit of CFA Team award is an honour and a fitting way to recognise the contribution Leighton and our volunteers have made to the south-west region and broader state air base operations,” he said.

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