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Sheepvention ready to rock

IT was all systems go on Wednesday at the Hamilton Showgrounds as scores of local volunteers helped set up 500 sites for the three-day 2022 Sheepvention Rural Expo which begins tomorrow.

There’s still many last-minute preparations, but for the most part, the marquees have gone up and the straw and woodchips have been delivered across the sites to soak up the expected rain to come.

Hamilton Pastoral and Agricultural (P&A) Society receptionist, Di Austin, has assisted in coordinating the exhibitors’ sites for the show and said the number of volunteers helping out was extraordinary.

“There are hi-viz jackets everywhere – they’re all volunteers – they’re amazing,” she said.

The preparations have included setting up the sheep pens and panels in the Sheep Pavilion that will host the Hamilton and Western District Sheep Show – including rams for the first time.

Sheep Show convenor, Simon Thomas, said the set up and organising was going well.

“There’s a good roll up of volunteers, which is nice to see – everyone is enthused to get back into it,” he said.

“Because of the change up in plans with the Merino Sheep Show back in the Sheep Pavilion, we’ve changed things up and it’s given us the chance to change the shed around a little bit.

“We’re going to have a couple of central show floors, and instead of doing all the judging on Monday, judging will be spread out over a day and half, and then have the interbreed on the second half of the second day.”

Sheepvention vice president, David Botterill, concurred that everything was going according to plan and nothing would be left to chance.

“There’s been no major hiccups,” he said.

“We’re expecting the rain but we have lots of bark chips out for the predicted weather.”

Hamilton P&A Society business and events manager, Emmelie Nijskens, said coordinating Sheepvention had been an epic venture but it was all coming together wonderfully.

“Everyone is really eager and excited,” she said.

“We are looking forward to opening the gates on Sunday.”

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