HAMILTON and District Legacy is calling upon the local community to buy a badge during Legacy Week which runs from Sunday, August 28 to Saturday, September 3, 2022.
For almost a century, Legacy has kept the promise to thousands of veterans’ families - helping provide financial and social support during times of hardship and grief.
For the last two years, COVID-19 and lockdowns have created difficulties for Legacy Week volunteers to fundraise in the community but now Hamilton and District Legacy will be hoping for a better outcome.
Hamilton and District Club president, Legatee Rod Papworth said face-to-face fundraising this year will help increase donations that help provide support and services for some of the most vulnerable in the community.
“Hamilton and District Legacy currently looks after 105 veterans’ families, providing services like home visits, lunches, dinners, get togethers, Christmas gifts (and) general gifts,” he said.
Legacy merchandise, including badges, pens and Legacy bears will be available at the club, at 69 Kennedy Street during Legacy Week, as well as street sales in Hamilton, Coleraine, Casterton, Balmoral, Dunkeld, Glenthompson, Penshurst, Macarthur, Heywood, Dartmoor and Portland.
Nationally, Legacy cares for 43,000 beneficiaries including 1300 children and 1100 people with a disability. In 2023, Legacy will be commemorating their centenary with The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay presented by Defence Health marking 100 years of service to those who have sacrificed.
To find out other ways to purchase merchandise, make a donation or find out more about Legacy, visit legacy.com.au, call Hamilton Legacy on 03 5571 1899 or email legacy@legacyhamilton.com.au