Fearless kids at gymnastics practice
Newspaper Club - Merino Consolidated School
This term, we have been going to gymnastics every week.
I practise my rolling and walking on the beam.
At first, I wasn’t sure if I could do it but I’ve been practising each week and now I am not scared anymore.
The other favourite thing that I like to do is to climb up the rope that goes to the top of the ceiling.
I also like walking on the beam.
Artist in Residence
Every Friday we have an artist who comes to teach us different art techniques.
This term we have been focusing on Indigenous art.
We have been learning how to weave and make dilly bags.
Mine is red and yellow.
Next week, we are learning about pottery.
I am really looking forward to pottery because I want to make a cup.
We have been learning all about biographies this term in English and last week we wrote our final ‘Hot Task’ I wrote mine on Albert Namatjira.
I liked learning about all of the important Indigenous Australians.
For my biography I had to use 3rd person and passive voice.
I also included subordinating conjunctions and correlating conjunctions.
I also had to remember to use complex punctuation.
The dash is my favourite piece of punctuation and I got to use it in my biography writing.
I love cooking!
I love that I get to cook all of the time.
This week we made bolognese and last week with made BLTs!
We grow food in our garden and then use it in our cooking.
We are growing lettuces and we used them in our BLTs.
We used herbs form our garden in the Bolognese and carrots.
I am very good at chopping and I like watching the food cook and sometimes tasting it when it cooks.
I always like to try new foods and last week I tried a different cheese.
Show of appreciation for our LSOs
Suzie McManus - Sacred Heart School
This week is Learning Support Officer Appreciation Week- we had a morning tea to thank our LSOs for all their hard work and the way they care for the kids in our school.
The kids wrote hundreds of little messages on sticky notes which we stuck up all over the school.
These amazing ladies work hard to provide the caring and nurturing environment we are so proud to have at our school.
They run literacy and maths groups, help out in classrooms, work one-on-one with students.
Each and every day, they add a spark of joy.
Grade 5-6 Camp
The grade 5-6s had an overnight camp at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat this week.
They had an action-packed schedule that included candle making, a gold pour demo, mine tour and panning for gold.
I think most people were keen to get to the lolly shop to buy raspberry drops.
We have plans to organise a second one-nighter for the kids in Term 4.
We’re thinking a beach adventure would be perfect when the weather is a bit warmer.
Gymnastics and skipping
Balances and tumbles are on the menu again this week.
The kids in Prep-3 have been working in pairs or groups to create a routine.
They have been learning how to hold the balance, support each other in balances and build strength over the last four weeks.
We had some of the older kids join us last week for our lesson, which inspired everyone to be a bit more adventurous this week.
Meanwhile, the Grade 4-6s are learning skills skipping for Jump for Heart.
Double Dutch was the challenge this week, we hope to master it by the time Jump Rope For Heart comes up next term.
Masonic Lodge boost for lawn seats
Ann Hirst - Casterton Secondary College
ON FRIDAY, 26 August, three Casterton members of the Glenelg Masonic Lodge presented a cheque for $700 for the construction and installation of seating on the front lawn of the College.
The college greatly appreciates the generosity of the Glenelg Masonic Lodge.
Adaptive camping after weather woes
Jill Robertson - Casterton Primary School
LAST week began with an unexpected turn of events.
The weather forecast became so grim on Sunday afternoon, we were forced to postpone our Grade Prep/1 extended day and Grade 2 camp.
It was very disappointing for all the excited children on Sunday afternoon.
Enormous thank you to Mrs Kelly and Mrs Richardson for making a really fun day for the kids on Monday back at school.
Many of the kids came to school in their “camp clothes” and the day was filled with fun and activities, like creating life size drawings of each other on butchers paper, a nature walk (before the rain came), cooking pizzas for lunch and a movie afternoon with popcorn.
Sounds Write
On Thursday we welcomed Lisa Guthrie to the school.
Lisa is a WSW Regional Curriculum Access Coordinator, and she is working with us to support our ongoing implementation of Sounds Write.
Yesterday she spent time in the junior classrooms with some students and presented at our staff meeting at the end of the day.
Father’s Day
A big thank you to Carmen Gorman for putting together the amazing packs for Father’s Day.
Each grade lined up on Friday to purchase a gift box for their fathers on Sunday.
Grade 1/2 have been very busy this week creating dioramas in response to our minibeast incursion last week.
Kids have been using Paper Magiclay to create their favourite minibeast – though yet to be painted – they look fantastic.
I saw stick insects, frogs, tadpoles, a water scorpion and butterflies.
The dioramas have been created in tissue boxes and the environment was created using paint and paper collage.
The kids are very proud of their work.
I am looking forward to seeing the finished display when they are all velcroed to the wall.
Nudel kart
Last week we welcomed Geoff Elmes, Norm Russell and John Reid from the Masonic Lodge, who attended our Friday assembly to present us with a cheque to contribute to the purchase of our nudel kart.
We are enormously grateful for this generous support.