SOUTH West TAFE students studying Certificate III in Commercial Cookery and Certificate III in Barbering have combined to raise $2000 for the MRI for U&I Appeal at Sheepvention.
The students fundraised for the Western District Health Service’s (WDHS) MRI Appeal by donating their time and skills selling yummy lamb pizzas, and offering hairdressing expertise by requesting donations to the Appeal in return for their services.
TAFE regional manager, Mrs Ursula Murphy, helped to coordinate this generous operation and is incredibly proud and grateful to the students for their participation and benevolence.
Not only is this project lifechanging for the local community, but it will also significantly impact the lives of Ursula and her partner.
Ursula was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 14 years ago.
She and her partner have lived in Hamilton for 16 years and during that time, they have been travelling between Ballarat and Warrnambool to access MRI machines and specialists.
The impact of having MRI specialists and facilities locally will be unparalleled for Ursula.
“It means that I can manage work commitments without having to take leave,” she said.
The locality of the MRI facilities will also reduce the difficulty and mental load associated with organising transport, and it increases the capacity and ability of loved ones to offer familial support to those receiving treatment and care while at the hospital.
Mr Fitzgerald echoed the sentiment that there was a significant need for an MRI service in our town.
“Having to travel is a barrier to receiving the required care,” he said.
Not only will the MRI service provide care to patients locally, but the state-of-the-art technology will also assist the Hamilton Base Hospital in attracting, recruiting, and retaining specialist medical staff.
“The convenience and the stress alleviation (of having the MRI facilities in Hamilton) is amazing,” Ursula said.
After years of travelling to neighbouring towns to access MRI technology as part of her treatment for MS, Ursula will be one of many locals who will experience the multifaceted benefits of having the facilities at our back door.