THE condition of country roads has reached “crisis levels” according to the Victorian Farmers Federation, which has called on state politicians to commit funding certainty for state and local roads.
VFF President, Emma Germano said years of neglect and underfunding had left Victoria’s regional road network in desperate need of investment.
“Speak to anyone living in regional Victoria and they’ll likely have one thing in common – their local roads are dodgy and dangerous,” she said.
“More than 50 per cent of all road fatalities occur in regional Victoria, despite it being home to 24 per cent of the State’s population – we won’t accept that.”
As part of its ‘Fair Go for Regional Victoria’ campaign, the VFF has called for a minimum of $2 billion over the next four years for targeted arterial road maintenance.
The VFF said the plan had been supported by the State Opposition but it was still waiting to hear the State Government’s plan.
Ms Germano said she had written to Roads Minister, Ben Carroll, to seek the government’s commitment to deliver funding certainty.
In addition to funding for arterial roads, Ms Germano called on both sides to reintroduce the Fixing Country Roads Program to provide funding grants to rural and regional councils to undertake local road projects beyond regular road maintenance.
“We desperately need funding to help local governments maintain their road and bridge networks,” she said.
“Council roads make up 87 per cent of the State’s road network and represent 10 per cent of local government expenditure.
“This is putting a disproportionate strain on rural councils that have large road networks, but a small rate base to help fund their upkeep.”
Ms Germano added road maintenance was an important issue for regional communities and said she expected to see a plan from both sides of politics.
“It’s time for our leaders to stand-up and put an end to the country road maintenance crisis,” she said.
“Driving on safe roads is a top priority for regional communities at this election and we need both sides of politics to deliver certainty.”
Last week, the Opposition announced a $10 billion funding plan to pour into the Victorian road system over the next ten years.
The funding increase would be delivered through the annual road asset management budget, increasing spending from around $660 million to $1 billion annually.
Shadow Roads Minister, Danny O’Brien said the investment would deliver longer-term contracts to promote innovation, give contractors certainty to invest in better equipment and allow for strategic maintenance planning.
“It means Victorians won’t have to put up with band-aid solutions that only last weeks or months until the next heavy rain,” he said.
The investment would also include a review of construction standards, which the Opposition said would “increase accountability of VicRoads and contractors”, as well as a reduction in “red and green tape that often escalates construction costs”.
Lowan MP, Emma Kealy, said Opposition’s commitment would help fix country roads and keep them safe.
“Good-quality roads are vital to ensure people can safely get to work, school, healthcare appointments and sporting commitments,” she said.