SOUTHERN Grampians Shire Council have elected a new mayor for 2022/23 with Cr David Robertson taking on the role, while Cr Helen Henry stepped into the position of deputy mayor.
The election took place at Wednesday night’s Statutory Meeting where Cr Robertson was elected unopposed for a one-year term.
When addressing his new title, Cr Robertson said it was an honour to be elected mayor of the Southern Grampians.
“Firstly, I would like to thank my fellow Councillors for their support in nominating myself to the role of mayor,” he said.
“I really see Council as a service industry where we are here to serve our residents and ratepayers well.”
Cr Robertson also acknowledged the tight economic landscape Council must continue to navigate to deliver on key projects for the community.
“As a Council, we are full of conceptual ideas and detailed plans which we will have shovel ready so when the scarce resources and opportunities come through, our Council will be prepared,” he said.
“We will continue to pressure governments and we will continue to get jobs done for the people of the Southern Grampians.
“We are all in this together and as mayor, my door is always open so please come and see me.”
Cr Robertson also extended his thanks to former mayor, Cr Bruach Colliton for his “outstanding leadership” and dedicated service to the community.
“I also have to commend Cr Bruach Colliton on his leadership, direction and commitment over the past two years as mayor,” he said.
“We have achieved many accomplishments under his guidance which puts us in a good place to continue that work into our third and fourth year as a Council.”
Deputy mayor, Cr Henry was elected unopposed with Council resolving to appoint the deputy mayor for a one-year term.
Cr Henry said she was “really honoured” to be in the position of Deputy Mayor and would continue to spark action in areas important to her.
“I actually have a hard time seeing myself as a leader,” she said.
“In my eyes, I'm an ordinary human being trying to make the world a better place - but then I realised that is leadership - which actually probably makes most of us leaders.
“I'll give you my word, that I will not shy away from tough decisions.
“I'll make sure that we're financially viable by assessing our assets and our expenses and I'll make sure that we are heard at all levels of government, that funding is allocated on evidence, not on political whim.
“I will tackle waste, champion youth, I will ensure strong climate change targets and I will listen intently.
“I will learn and research and seek to understand, but I say this now - not everyone in the community will like the decisions I make but know that I will cast each vote in the best interest of the community with an open mind and heart.”
Former mayor, Cr Colliton thanked his fellow Councillors for their support and said while the experience was not as he expected, he was “humbled and forever thankful” for the opportunity to lead Council.
“My term as mayor wasn't what I thought it would be, I had high expectations,” he said.
“Yet the term has been characterised by frustrations, setbacks and loss, not least of all the most recent flooding event in Hamilton, the worst flooding event I've seen in my lifetime.
“I have every confidence that our council and our community will continue to rise to any challenge and overcome it despite our circumstances.”
The Council meeting schedule was also set for the second Wednesday of each month except January 2023, commencing at 5.30pm, with next year’s Statutory Meeting scheduled for November 1, 2023.
Councillors were also appointed as representatives of Council for the following committees:
• Audit and Risk Committee – Cr Henry, Cr Robertson
• Planning Committee – Cr McAdam, Cr Brown
• Hamilton Regional Livestock Exchange Advisory Committee – Cr Brown, Cr McAdam
• Chief executive Employment and Remuneration Advisory Committee – Cr Robertson, Cr Henry, Cr Colliton
• Hamilton Showgrounds Advisory Committee – Cr Rainsford, Cr Robertson
• MAV (Municipal Association of Victoria) Delegate – Cr Robertson, Proxy Cr Calvano
• South West Victoria Alliance – Cr Robertson
• Rural Councils Victoria – Cr Brown
• Barwon South West Waste & Resource Recovery Group – Cr Henry
• Green Triangle Action Group – Cr Rainsford
• Rail Freight Alliance – Cr Rainsford