A look back at previous editions of the paper 50 and 25 years ago.
50 years ago
SEARCHING investigations into the entertainment needs of young people in Hamilton may result from a public meeting in Hamilton on Monday night. The entertainment needs of youth in the city will be studied by a committee of 20 which was appointed at the meeting. A second and more far-reaching survey of social needs was referred to the Hamilton Community Needs Organisation for consideration. The meeting was called by the Hamilton City Council in an attempt to arrange a youth forum. Two important resolutions came from the meeting. One was to establish a committee of 20 to co-ordinate arrangements for a detailed questionnaire on entertainment to be circulated throughout Hamilton youth centres, organisations and schools.
HAMILTON basketball teams showed they are well forward in preparation for the country championships in Melbourne next month with impressive wins at Warrnambool on Saturday night. The three American school teachers – Chuck Loomer, “Smokey’ Dreschell and Doug Smith – form the backbone of the side, with solid support from the experienced Kevin McGrath and Daryl Wong, plus the very promising Gus Kuilboer and Laurie Littlechild. Association officials are already labelling the side as the best to ever represent Hamilton. Chuck Loomer is proving a tough coach, but that is what is needed to stand up to the pressure games at the big titles. Loomer is also an outstanding tactician who has earned the respect of all his players.
25 years ago
THE Centre for Australian Achievers was brought back in focus as a major option for Hamilton and the Grampians region at Thursday’s launch of the Grampians regional tourism development plan. The plan launched by the Minister for Tourism, Louise Asher, said there were project development options for the centre, but suggested it be financed by sourcing private sector funding. Consultants, Rob Tonge and Associates, recommended that the project should be developed following full consideration of the finding of the KPMG Management Consulting study. Several other major developments for the region, which would be based at Hamilton, were also mentioned – including the volcanic trail and the possibility of developing a geoscience interpretive centre.
DUNKELD Football Club is about to embark on a three-year plan to bring its team back into Mininera and District Football League contention. As reported on Thursday, Imperials veteran, Kevin Quinn, has been appointed senior coach and the club has already undergone major changes since the end of the 1997 season. In a year when the club’s senior team won one game and finished on the bottom of the MDFL ladder, the new committee has taken the challenge to improve personnel, membership and facilities at Dunkeld. Quinn will be supported by a group of specialists including a skills coach, player health expert, fitness adviser, aerobic trainer and player masseur to help with player comfort, general fitness and recovery from injuries.