FOUR young aspiring actors are keen to perform in the ‘Dramatic Briefs’ production, set for its first show on November 10.
Flumpety Krumps is the name of the short play Lily Meister, Leila Edwards, Ajay Sonti and Rey Kenney will be performing in, which is one out of seven of the shorts in Portland CEMA’s ‘Dramatic Briefs’.
Characters are Bon played by Ajay, Kloset played by Leila, Klutter played by Lily, Klump played by Rey and taking on roles as mum and dad are Ailish Duro and Corey Williams.
Rey and Leila also have roles as plovers, and Lily the role of human two in ‘Bird Brain,’ written and directed by Brian Duro.
The short play Flumpety Krumps is about a young boy named Bon who struggles to sleep at night, as he is disturbed by the sound of grumbling, mumbling and whispering in his bedroom.
The audience will discover where the noise is coming from, who it is, what it is, and if Bon can convince his parents it’s not his imagination.
Director of the play Karl Hatton said it is quite quirky.
“I'm hoping that the audience will enjoy it, I think they'll get a few surprises, that's the plan anyway, because it's quite quirky,” he said.
“There's only been a couple of rehearsals so far, so the focus has been what they do at the moment.”
The young actors described the play as creative, imaginative, goofy and quirky, with a pop of bright colours to be seen.
“It's not too serious, I think that's the fun part about it,” Rey said.
“The audience will definitely be laughing.
“I've loved theatre for ages, specifically musical theatre, that's always been a big thing for me.”
Leila said the short play is nostalgic, because of its similar theme of strange creatures hiding in a child’s bedroom.
“I'm doing this because I've done the Bayview musicals every year since year seven and I really enjoyed it,” she said.
“I can't sing or dance, so I prefer acting so I thought this would be a good thing to do.”
Lily said she had also been part of the Bayview College production every year.
“I've done Madagascar and High School Musical and I did an acting workshop over the holidays, which Ajay also did,” Lily said.
“I aim to be an actor and I've done plays before but not like this.”
“I've also done plays before (…), I did Alice in Wonderland when I was in grade one,” Ajay said.
“I also did Theatrepalooza with Lily and just decided to give this a go.”
The group are currently in need of a wardrobe for the set of Flumpety Krumps and ask if anyone would be willing to lend one to them, typically one that could fit someone inside.
Portland CEMA’s ‘Dramatic Briefs’ will be officially live on-stage November 10, 11, 12 at 7.30pm and November 13 at 2pm.
Tickets can be booked on the Portland Arts Centre website.