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Cavendish Show coming together

A PAINTING by prominent local artist, Roger Edwards is one of the items that has been donated to auction on the night of the Cavendish Fleece and Flower Show, one of the highlights of the annual event.

 Slowly but surely, the pre-pandemic social calendar is again filling up, including at Cavendish with the fleece and flower show kicking off on Friday, November 11, at the Cavendish Soldier Memorial Hall, the Cavendish Town Square Memorial Park and the Cavendish Kindergarten, from 3-7.30pm.

“It’s a great community social event,” Cavendish Fleece and Flower Show secretary, Kay Edwards said.

 “We have a lot of community support - we have 11 or 12 people on the committee that are really excited to be back.

“Everything is coming together nicely, and we hope the weather will be kind to us.

“It’s just a gathering of farmers, parents and grandparents of the Cavendish Primary School children and friends - it’s a wonderful family event.”

Farmers, community members, kinder and school children are very excited to exhibit their work.

“Community members have provided some beautiful craft work,” Mrs Edwards said.

The Committee were keen to reform after a two-year absence and looking forward to showcasing local talents; floral art, flowers, cookery, needlework, photography, jams and preserves - and of course fleeces - are all part of the contested events.

“The children receive prize money for their judged works which they in turn quickly spend on the stalls,” Mrs Edwards said.

Among several other items up for auction are a beautiful patchwork quilt by Pam Lehmann and a decorated fruit cake donated by Lyn Arnold.

 A BBQ dinner will be provided by the Cavendish Lions Club followed by the auction, an important highlight as this provides valuable funds for the ongoing maintenance of the Soldiers Memorial Hall (the inside has recently been painted).

There will also be stalls, face painting, a Thermomix demonstration, books, Devonshire afternoon tea and many more activities.

Entry is by donation.

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