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27th Annual Wood Days

THIS weekend marks the 27th Wood Days fundraiser held by Christine and Andrew Duyvestyn at their bush block in Milltown.

Wood Days is an annual event that began somewhat accidentally.

Christine and Andrew purchased the property 27 years ago with the intention to use it as a place to cut firewood to heat their family home.

Andrew is known around the area for his Clydesdales, and it was after purchasing the property that he and the horses were working to clear an area, that two artists stopped and asked to take photos of him and the horses in the beautiful Australian landscape.

Spending hours at the property with Andrew and his horses, the artists offered Andrew $100 for his time.

Andrew thanked them for their generosity but instead of accepting the money, he asked that they saved the sum to donate to the Royal Children’s Hospital.

It was then a legacy was born and 27 years later, Christine and Andrew are now the hosts of an annual fundraiser - the last before the pandemic raising $30,000 for the Royal Children’s Hospital.

From 10am - 3:30pm today and tomorrow, the Duyvestyns will open their property to all those wishing to attend.

There will be demonstrations of log snigging with horses, wood cutting with old-time dragsaws, and much more.

Tickets are available upon entry with all proceeds going towards the Royal Children’s Hospital’s Cancer in Kids research project.

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