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Students awarded for outstanding results

STUDENTS at Good Shepherd College Junior Campus had their academic skills recognised this week when they were awarded with certificates for their achievements in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) program.

Smiles spread across the students’ faces as they received their certificates for their performance in topics such as English, writing, spelling, mathematics, science, and digital technologies.

Good Shepherd College head of Junior Campus, Ali Wedding, said the school was proud of all students who participated in the assessments, including those who were awarded certificates for their exceptional efforts. 

“This year, a number of our students have performed outstandingly well in these assessments,” she said.

“Camilla Austin received a High Distinction certificate for writing, which places her in the top one per cent of students who undertook the assessment, and she also received a Credit for spelling.

“Alani Wedding received a Distinction in the Spelling Bee, placing her in the top 11 per cent of participants, while also receiving a Credit in maths (top 14 per cent) and English.

“Leayla Pohl was awarded a Credit in maths and English and a Merit for spelling, while Maiah Colliton received a Credit for both writing (top 12 per cent) and spelling.

“A number of other students also received multiple awards.”

With a total of one High Distinction, one Distinction, six Credit, and five Merit awards handed out to seven students, Ms Wedding said the results highlighted the level of learning taking place at Good Shepherd College Junior Campus.

“We are very proud of the individual student achievements as well as the reflection they show of Good Shepherd College,” she said.

“It is wonderful to see their abilities recognised at an international level.

“This is another way that we are able to shine in the community.”

The ICAS program is a school competition aimed at inspiring, celebrating and challenging millions of school students across Australia, New Zealand and the world.

Spanning 41 countries and over 16,000 schools, the online assessments are developed by a team of academics based on the curricula for the relevant year and subject to ensure an engaging and beneficial experience for all students.

Ms Wedding said the ICAS program provided a platform for students to apply their classroom knowledge to new contexts, encouraging higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills, while identifying areas where they excel. 

“ICAS competitions are a great experience for able students, as well as an opportunity for extension in areas of particular strength,” she said.

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