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One permanent, one interim to fill top jobs

GLENELG Shire Council and Casterton Memorial Hospital have announced their new chief executives, heading into 2023 – but one of the roles is only temporary.

On Monday, the hospital confirmed that following the departure of Owen Stephens from the facility’s top job, as of the end of this year, James ‘Mac’ McInnes would take over as interim chief executive.

Glenelg Shire Council, however, has appointed a permanent figure, to replace outgoing chief executive, Greg Burgoyne.

Mr Burgoyne announced his retirement earlier this year, stating he would remain in the role until the end of 2022, giving council time to appoint a suitable replacement.

That replacement was announced last week, with Portland resident and former Victoria Police member, Paul Phelan, ready to take the reins from 16 January, 2023.

Speaking to Casterton News last week, Mr Phelan said while learning internal processes and several other requirements unique to local government leadership, he was confident in his ability to take on the role, after working as a department head in council for 12 months and being called on to act on Mr Burgoyne’s behalf, several time.

“I was in a fortunate position, I’ve been afforded the opportunity act as chief since November last year on various occasions and saw as natural progression from a director role, to lead the organisation,” Mr Phelan said.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from Greg and his extensive corporate knowledge, he has been a supportive CEO, he has some very good mentoring qualities and will be sorely missed within the organisation.”

Mr Phelan moved to Portland 14 years ago, raising a family there and said despite several moves around the country with his career, the coastal Victorian town would always be ‘home’.

Glenelg Shire Mayor, Scott Martin, welcomed Mr Phelan’s appointment, following a ”competitive recruitment process”.

“Mr Phelan brings diverse senior leadership and change management experience in his newly appointed position,” Cr Martin said.

“His extensive work history includes senior appointments within Victoria Police, Department of Child Safety, Queensland and Department of Children and Families (DHHS) Tasmania.

“He has also led multi-disciplinary departments through significant government reforms, managed multi-agency emergency responses and recovery activities and is committed to developing safe, inclusive, and resilient communities.”

Cr Martin said Mr Phelan joined the Glenelg Shire Council in May 2021 as Director, Community Services, providing "high level leadership to our broad Community Services Department".

In July 2022, Mr Phelan transferred to the role of Director, Assets, providing oversight of the shire's multi-million dollar schedule of capital works programs.

"Mr Phelan has regularly performed the role as Acting Chief Executive Officer and his thorough and community-focused approach to leadership has been highly respected by Council," Cr Martin said.

"We welcome Paul to his new role, and look forward to working closely with him on achieving our shared goals and vision for the Glenelg Shire."

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