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Santa and all his helpers

ANYONE driving down Foleys Road in the last week or so would have been hard pressed to miss this display in a roadside paddock.

The man behind the scene is part time deer farmer Brett Parkes, who told The Observer that he does something similar each year for Christmas.

“I always do something different, but I put in some extra effort this year to have the big antlers going,” he said.

Mr Parkes sets Santa up in their front paddock on his time off from work at the smelter and feeds the red deer he farms there for the week surrounding Christmas, as something to keep himself busy.

As for the mono on the four wheel motorbike, Mr Parkes admits that he is a “rev head at heart,” and could not help but include his other passion in the display.

 A converted dairy farm, the family have farmed deer for nearly 30 years, for the meat when it was a booming trade in the 1990s and now for the antlers, sent to China or sold locally as decoration or dog chew toys.

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