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Make good use of holiday travel advice

THE first summer of unrestricted travel since before the pandemic invites keen travellers to scratch the itch, but the CFA is warning not to be complacent and to pay attention to fire danger ratings while on the road.

It said the rainfall of recent months had resulted in significant grass growth – fuels which have been drying out quickly in the state’s north and west.

CFA Chief Officer, Jason Heffernan said travellers should be prepared for a much-needed break, whether they’re travelling to an unfamiliar area or returning to a favourite spot after the last few years.

“It’s important to understand the fire risk over the coming weeks,” he said.

“Grassfires can move at speeds of up to 25 kilometres per hour – faster than you can run – and jump highways in the right conditions.

“Visitors should learn which fire district they are travelling to and monitor the fire danger ratings every day throughout summer.”

The adoption of the new standardised fire danger rating system in September last year means those travelling outside of Victoria will see the same rating signs as those visible locally wherever they go in Australia.

According to the CFA, travellers should reconsider travelling to bushfire risk areas on days with an ‘Extreme’ rating and do not travel on days with a ‘Catastrophic’ rating.

Mr Heffernan also said people camping and hosting barbecues needed to take precautions to protect themselves and their families.

“If you plan to have a campfire, stay within 50 metres of it at all times,” he said.

“Before leaving or going to bed, make sure you have fully extinguished it with water, not soil.

“Take the time to make the necessary safety checks on your barbecue – just spray the hose and regulator connections with soapy water before switching it on.

“Soapy bubbles will appear if gas is escaping – if this happens, turn the gas off and fix or replace the connections.”

Information on fire danger ratings is available at and real-time updates on emergencies such as fires are available at or on the VicEmergency app.

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