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Show ‘n’ Shine’ annual Hot Rods in Port Fairy

OVER 500 ‘hot rods’ are expected to rumble into town for the 40th annual Port Fairy Rod Run this weekend, the second biggest event of the year for Port Fairy, after the Folk Festival.

Hosted by Hamilton’s South West Street Rodders car collectors’ club, the event attracts around 150 members from local clubs in the district, who descended on Port Fairy last night at the Basketball Stadium for vehicle registration and to kick off the weekend.

As the weekend progresses, another 350 motor enthusiasts who share the common passion for ‘hot rods’ are expected to roll in from all over Victoria, South Australia, New South and the Australian Capital Territory.

On show will be a vast array of special vehicles, whether, hot rods, customs, drag cars, muscle cars, or vintage motorcycles, bikes or trucks.

South West Street Rodders’ spokesperson, Jack Arnel from Hamilton, said the weekend is classic, family friendly, fun.

“The local retailers love it because it brings in a lot of money to the economy over the weekend,” he said.

“It’s not a bad effort for our club with around 40-50 members, to host such a huge event.

“With the gate takings, registration and barbecue we do alright but all the money goes straight back into running the next event.”

On Saturday, locals and tourists will see the ‘hot rods’ around town enjoying some leisure time before an evening cruise between 6-10pm along a designated route with the occasional stop giving sightseers the opportunity to gaze at the beauties.

“The night cruise is a four-hour special cruise around Port Fairy on Saturday night giving locals and tourists, the opportunity to see the ‘hot rods’ in motion or close up when they stop,” he said.

“We give out spot prizes during the cruise for ‘top cruisers’.”

Sunday is the spectacular event where all the ‘rodders’ will park at Southcombe Park Oval, giving the public a chance to stroll around and see the cars between 10am and 1pm.

“There will also be kids’ activities with jumping castles, live music and food available for purchase,” Mr Arnel said.

“Sunday’s Show ’n’ Shine always draws a huge crowd to Port Fairy.

“Kids and drivers of the ‘hot rods’ can enter Southcombe Park for free – for everyone else there is a small charge.

“There will also be judging by club members for the top five cars entered, including clubmen’s choice and lady’s choice, with trophies presented to the winners.”

Mr Arnel got into hot rodding because of his parents’ love of older cars with his Dad, Terry having done up a 1937 rubens mica (burgundy) Chevrolet Sedan, and a 1950 Peugeot gold or blaze yellow, Buick Super Coupe.

The Chevrolet will make the journey to Port Fairy on Sunday along with another family ‘hot rod’, an orange 1937 Chevrolet pickup.

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