THE four probus clubs of Portland are encouraging others to join one of them and see what they are all about.
Each Club has 40 to 50 members, which they hope to increase this year, and help give club members a new zest for life.
Probus provides the opportunity for retired or semi-retired people to connect socially, take part in interesting activities, road trips and outings.
Each Portland Probus meeting is held on a different Tuesday, but all at 10am in the Hanlon Park function rooms, with the same aim – to build and enjoy friendships.
There is an annual subscription for each club, which covers public liability insurance and the cost for activities or the hiring of the meeting venue.
For 31 years, Ladies Probus Club of Portland have met every first Tuesday of each month to make and strengthen friendships, catering for various age groups.
The club introduces guest speakers, organises outings and functions, in-house activities and will hold birthday celebrations for members.
“It’s great to meet newcomers, who have come to Portland to share experiences.
“You don't have to be tapped on the shoulder to join. See, initially in the early days you had to be invited, and that’s not so.
“Just ring one of the numbers if you’re interested and you can get more information.”
Portland Men’s Probus Club holds meetings every second Tuesday of the month bringing like-minded people together and teaching them new skills.
“It’s not a service club, it’s really a monthly get together of older people really,” Portland Men’s Probus Club president John Fisher said.
“One of the big positives I think most of the clubs have is you actually hear about members experiences and it’s fascinating.
“You have no idea what people have actually done until they talk about it.”
Portland Harbour (combined) Probus Club welcomes men and women into their community.
They meet up every third Tuesday of the month to share personal anecdotes and experiences followed by lunch and occasionally joined by a guest speaker.
“Separately, we have a weekly coffee get together, regular dining out opportunities, a monthly barbecue or lunch, a walking club, and periodic car club, as well as caravan/camping excursions, all of which provide opportunities for all levels of involvement and activity regardless of personal circumstances,” Portland Harbour (combined) Probus Club president Patrick O’Brien said.
“We are respectful of each other, have great times together and enjoy each other's company.”
Portland Bay Ladies Probus Club Inc meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month, including special days to celebrate their members, with a lunch after each meeting.
They aim for two bus trips per year and have smaller interest groups within the club such as knitting for Mission to Seafarers and United Way.
Coffee excursions to local interest points are also a must for the group.
They strive for an inclusive and welcoming environment.
Contacts for expressions of interest or questions: Portland Men’s Probus Club president John Fisher, 0437 371 002; Ladies Probus Club of Portland acting president Dawn Baudinette, 0408 150 635; Portland Harbour (combined) Probus Club president Patrick O’Brien, 0478 221 689; Portland Bay Ladies Probus Club president Heather Burton, 0400 236 413.
For more information and a chat, a promotional tent representing all four clubs will be pitched at the Hooked On markets, January 28 and 29.