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Nana Nola's Oldtime Recipe of the Week – A great tomato sauce

This is for Cheryl, whose own copy is nearly unreadable. It took me a few hours, but found it in the 1981 Spectator files (Martha Gray's recipes).

(Halve quantities if desired)

9 kg (20 lb) ripe tomatoes 2 kg (4 lb) sugar
1½ kg (3 lb) tart apples 30g (1 oz) allspice (whole)
1½ kg (3 lb) onions 60g (2 oz) cloves
125g (4 oz) garlic ½ tsp mace
1 tblsp ground ginger ½ tsp cayenne
30g (1 oz) whole ginger 2 bottles brown vinegar (size 750g)
250g (8 oz) salt

Peel and cut onions fairly finely. Cut apples into chunky pieces, skin, core and all. Cut tomatoes roughly.
Peel garlic and grate. Slice the whole ginger.
Mix the ground ginger with a little water to a smooth green cream.
Combine all these ingredients in a giant pan and simmer for 3½ hours.
Stand aside when cooked and leave overnight.
Next day press the mixture through a sieve. When the smooth puree is returned to the pan, add to it the sugar, salt, vinegar, mace, cayenne and a muslin bag containing the whole cloves and the allspice (this may be labelled pimento on the grocery shelf).
Bring to the boil. Keep at a steady boil for 50 to 60 minutes, stirring at regular intervals.
Bottle hot and seal with paraffin wax.
To achieve a professional perfection after the sieving of the cold mixture put it through your food processor. This is just a refinement and is not at all necessary.

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