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Autumn firewood collection season starts

THE autumn firewood collection season for 2023 opened on March 1 and closes on June 30.

During the season, firewood can be collected from designated firewood collection areas in state forests or parks across the region for personal use. Collected firewood cannot be sold.

Firewood can only be collected from public land for domestic use during the autumn collection season – between March 1 to June 30 – and spring collection season between September 1 and November 30.

Seasonal closures reduce the risks to people, the environment and infrastructure when the forests and tracks are wet.

When collecting firewood, be mindful of your safety in the forest. The weather can be unpredictable as can the surrounding environment, so be aware of tree canopy and the surrounding environment.

Grampians deputy chief fire officer, Tony English, said people who rely on firewood for energy for heating and cooking should ensure they are using firewood in the most efficient way possible.

The Environment Protection Authority also recommends that chimneys are regularly cleaned and that collected wood should be allowed to dry for at least eight months before burning.

“As bushfire risk reduction works continue in the Wombat State Forest, firewood that remains will be used to supply collection sites in the Wombat State Forest,” Mr English said.

“Linton State Forest collection area will also have supplies due to windfall from last year’s storm and flood events.

“We urge people who rely on firewood as a source of energy for heating and cooking to ensure they are using firewood in the most efficient manner possible.”

Access to firewood collection areas may be disrupted at short notice due to planned burning or other fuel management operations, more information can be found at

Any information the community may have about the illegal removal of firewood for sale can be reported to DEECA on 136 186.

Find your local collection area here:

Find out how to choose the right wood:

Financial assistance is available for people on low incomes who purchase firewood:

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