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$3.9 million mental health boost

With a holistic focus, the team comprises highly experienced health care agencies including; Mind Australia, Brophy Family and Youth Services, Western Regional Alcohol and Drug Centre (WRAD), Portland District Health, and genU.

The Western Victoria Primary Health Network (WVPHN) was delighted to announce the new mental health and AOD program to commence from July 1, 2023.

Funding of $1,301,908 (excluding GST) per annum for three years has been allocated to the program in the Great South Coast region.

WVPHN chief executive, Rowena Clift, said the Regional Care Partnerships model was about care and coordination which would ensure cultural sensitivity.

“Each client will be supported by a team of health care providers with specialist skills and knowledge to lead them through the journey to better health,” she said.

“Together, the aligned health care agencies will guide clients toward the support that is best suited to their needs no matter where they live in the region.

“Not every patient will need support for both but for those who do, it will be a smoother and more coordinated experience when working toward improving their health and wellbeing.

“This new approach will establish more effective local health networks, consistent with recommendations from the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health to improve the accessibility and delivery of mental health support services.”

WRAD Health operations manager, Mark Powell, said: “WRAD Health are excited to be a part of this project, as for years we have seen the impact of mental health issues on the use of substances and vice versa. That impact is significant to individuals, their families and the already strained health system.”

“We know addressing both conditions in a collaborative way improves outcomes.”

WRAD Health continue to work hard to work collaboratively with mental health treatment services to build an integrated model of care that addresses both mental health treatment with substance use treatment.

“The introduction of the new service model for mental health and AOD support follows a lengthy consultation process involving people with lived experience, their families and carers, and the health professionals who are responsible for delivering care.”

Mind Australia chief executive, Gill Callister, said the new Regional Care Partnership was a ground-breaking service model tailoring support through an integrated suite of services.

She said clients will be able to get the help they need to recover, stay well and live fulfilled and independent lives in the community.

“Mind is proud to be the lead agency in this consortium,” Ms Callister said.

“(We) will work closely with Western Regional Drug and Alcohol Centre, Portland District Health, genU, and Brophy Family and Youth Services to provide these much-needed support services to communities in south-west Victoria.” “People experiencing co-occurring mental health and wellbeing challenges as well as addiction will be able to access holistic wrap-around support in one place.”

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